"Roses in Acrylic Paint" is a striking portrait that blends realistic and abstract elements, created using acrylic paints. The painting depicts a woman with long, dark hair adorned with two roses positioned above her head, where the petals appear to melt or drip, adding an emotional, almost surreal quality. The subject’s expression is calm yet intense, with deep brown eyes that draw the viewer in. Her lips are painted with soft, subtle tones that contrast against the vibrant, textured background. The background itself shifts from a bright green to deep blue hues, creating a dynamic contrast to the softness of her face and the boldness of the roses. The combination of realism and abstract details evokes a sense of beauty and melancholy, creating a captivating visual experience.
About the Artist
My name is Sophia Adli. I'm a self taught Irish-Algerian artist based in East London. My work is centred around female autonomy, strength and vulnerability. Naturally my subject is mainly female form and portrait. I have a degree in fashion and a vast experience in film and I use this to inform my use of colour and composition. In 2022 I curated a female centred exhibition for Womens Day in association with Westfield Stratford. I was also delighted be selected for 2023 ING Discerning Eye Exhibition in Mall Galleries.
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